“C̶o̶n̶s̶p̶i̶c̶u̶o̶u̶s̶ Consumption” by Laine Derr


Conspicuous Consumption

The Joneses, calling it a day,
are easier to keep up with. I
supply the eldest with stems
and caps. She sees the world
as carpeted symmetry, bees
collecting electric pollen, a girl
sitting on a see-saw wistfully
coupled by blush and motion.

Laine Derr

Laine Derr holds an MFA from Northern Arizona University and has published interviews with Carl Phillips, Ross Gay, and Ted Kooser. Recent work appears or is forthcoming from Antithesis, Portland Review, North Dakota Quarterly, Prairie Schooner, and elsewhere.

Headshot Credit: Alex Barnett

Photo Credit: Britts
